
Welcome to our resources page! Below you can find a curated assortment of websites, videos, worksheets, and more to supplement online learning.


Khan Academy- Video courses in all subjects, but especially great for math!

K5 Math Learning - Practice worksheets for math, grades 1-5

Z&Z Classroom- SAT Math Prep

Math is Fun- Math explanations, lessons, and examples for a wide variety of topics

Middle School Math:

Order of Operations , Ratios and Proportional Relationships

Geometry, Statistics and Probability

ESL & More Languages

Duolingo: An easy website/app to learn the basics of 200+ languages!

Babbel : More language learning!

Games and Videos for Learning Spanish
SpanishDict: Learn verbs, grammar, sentence structure, and more.
SenorWooly: Fun music videos and Spanish practice.

French Language Learning Games
French Verbs
Learn and Speak French: Beginning to Advanced Lessons w/ accurate pronunciation guides
Learn Verlan: Popular French slang!

Muzzy BBC: Learning Italian for Kids
The Italian Experiment: Popular Stories in Italian
Italian Grammar, Sentence Structure, and More

More Languages Coming Soon!


Basic Art Lessons for Kids: Tutorials, lessons

Art History for Kids: Famous artworks, artists, etc.

More Art History: Art periods, works, styles, etc.

Famous Artists

Famous Artworks

Computer Science

Improve Typing Skills! Basic coding, appropriate for all grades elementary to high school!


Scratch- Create games, learn code, and more!

Code Monkey

Code Monster